Skyrim:Unfathomable Depths - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) (2024)

Memory RemainsEdit

From-Deepest-Fathoms wandering the Riften docks

Once you reach level 14, a female Argonian named From-Deepest-Fathoms will appear near Riften Fishery, walking around in circles, manically talking to herself. When you approach her, she will tell you about a place called Avanchnzel and an item she refers to as "the Lexicon": "You. You must take the Lexicon. Free me of my burden." When you respond, she merely continues: "The memories. I cannot stand them. You must take them away, return them to Avanchnzel. You must take the Lexicon from me. Please... take it now." She will not provide any explanations and will continue rambling until you accept. She then hands you a strange, ornately-decorated cube, and will walk away with the words: "You must bring it to Avanchnzel, in the west. Return it to them. It must go back."

Four ThievesEdit

Avanchnzel is a large Dwemer ruin in southernmost Skyrim, in the Jerall Mountains, a long ways west of Riften and southwest of Heartwood Mill. The exterior of the ruin is quite large, promising a lengthy journey within. The entrance itself is a cave-like opening in the cliff rather than a Dwemer-crafted stone door. Immediately upon entering, the hidden power of the Lexicon begins to awaken, and you will hear ghostly voices echoing through the tunnels. When you reach the first chamber, you will encounter four ghostly figures: Drennen, Breya, Watches-The-Roots and From-Deepest-Fathoms, the same Argonian who gave you the Lexicon back in Riften. The conversation between them reveals that Roots is the leader, while he and Fathoms have hired Breya and Drennen. Drennen is clearly the newcomer and is already worried about what lurks within Avanchnzel:

Drennen:"I don't like this place. It feels like we're being... watched."
Breya:"It's a simple job, Drennen. We get in, we steal the Lexicon, we leave. Don't get jumpy."
Fathoms:"If you two cannot handle this, we can find others to hire."
Roots:"Enough. Their services will be more than adequate. Let us continue."

The ghosts will then disappear without a trace. When you continue forward, you will notice a broken-down wall that leads into the actual ruin; clearly made by the ghostly adventurers. Inside the ruin, dwarven spiders immediately attack, so dispose of them and proceed through the empty halls until you reach a door.

Avanchnzel is WaitingEdit

The next chamber is the central chamber, with multiple levels and bridges leading up to plateaus above. Two ghosts will be present on the bridge, the young Drennen and the more experienced Watches-The-Roots. Roots clearly did his homework and tells Drennen the purpose of Avanchnzel:

Drennen:"This place is unbelievable."
Roots:"Indeed. Avanchnzel is as much a library as it is a city. Built to hold the vast memories of the Dwemer."

After this brief exchange the two ghosts will disappear, leaving you with two possible paths: east and south. Since the ghosts were heading south, pick that route and fight your way through numerous dwarven spheres as the path twists and turns, leading down like a spiral. When you reach the large central chamber again, you will find yourself on the level below the bridge, and you will be attacked by four dwarven spiders. Make your way to the very bottom and check out the door to the south for a bit of treasure, then follow the map marker to the eastern door. Here, all four ghosts are present again, curiously staring at some buzzing dwarven automatons:

Breya: "Why are all these metal... things... ignoring us?"
Roots: "Anavchnzel[sic] is waiting."
Breya: "Waiting for what?"
Roots: "No one seems to know. Perhaps the return of the Dwemer. Perhaps the end of the world."
Breya: "Best get rid of the ones we see. Just in case."

When the ghosts and the machinery are gone, proceed down the corridor. There is an unlocked chest with some minor loot near the shell of the left hand Dwemer sphere. Collect it if you wish and then enter the next zone, the Avanchnzel Animoncultory.

Accumulated MemoriesEdit

"I told you we should have hired a thief."

"Maybe we should turn back. I don't want to sleep here."

In the first chamber of the Animoncultory, you will yet again encounter the ghosts, this time trying to break into one of the many hidden chambers of Avanchnzel. At this point, it is clear the place is starting to get to them:

Breya:"I told you we should have hired a thief."
Fathoms:"We are thieves, you fool. We're stealing the cube."
Breya:"And yet none of us can pick a damned lock."

When the ghosts are gone, pick the lock for some minor loot, then proceed up the stairs and follow the tunnels to another large chamber with a tiny camp set up by the adventurers. Here, you will watch their growing frustrations with each other and the task at hand:

Drennen:"This place is huge."
Roots:"It is large, indeed. I did not anticipate Avanchnzel's size or the time needed to uncover the entrance. A few hours sleep and we should be ready to continue through."
Drennen:"Maybe we should turn back. I don't want to sleep here."
Roots:"Drennen, you do understand that the Lexicon at the bottom of this place holds the accumulated memories of centuries of Dwemer."
Breya:"Not to mention our pay."
Fathoms:"So we're not turning back, you fool."
Breya:"Besides, you're not scared of a few sleeping metal men. Are you, Drennen?"

Head east from the camping area and follow the tunnel as it turns north. Beware the booby-trapped door to the east, as the spinning blades from the floor can kill you instantly. Turn around the corner and approach the northern side of the huge chamber with the camp. It contains a single dwarven spider, numerous dwemer artifacts on shelves, an alchemy lab, and some jewelry. From there, take the southern corridor, which leads one level down to another door. A dwarven spider and dwemer sphere guard the next room, and several locked doors lead to extra treasure. Keep moving in a western direction until you reach a chamber with yet another ghostly encounter:

Breya:"I thought you said these things were "sleeping"?"
Roots:"You said they were sleeping. I said they were waiting. It seems a few of them were "waiting" for someone to try and take the Lexicon."

Head down the southern corridor and open the door. A gigantic factory will appear before you, filled to the brink with dwarven spiders, as well as several dwarven centurions and spheres lying on tables, ready to attack if needed. With the exception of the spiders, none of them will attack, so locate the northern staircase and head down the slope to find the first evidence of what happened to the adventurers.

The LexiconEdit


"Soon the Lexicon's knowledge will be mine."

At the foot of the slope, you will find the dead body of one of the ghosts: the young Drennen. Around the corner, you will see the ghostly version of Drennen finally lose it and run towards you, disappearing exactly where his body lies. His final words—"I can't do this. We shouldn't be here. I'm sorry."—will be largely ignored by his companions, who, unaware that Drennen died just after turning the corner, will decide to move on:

Fathoms:"Let the field mouse run. Your pay will be double."
Breya:"My pay will be nothing if we die in here!"
Roots:"Calm yourself, Breya. We are closing in on the Lexicon. I can feel it calling. We'll continue without Drennen."

The three ghosts will then move on into the Avanchnzel Boilery, so follow them inside. There you will witness yet another conversation, where a seemingly-possessed Roots will claim he can hear the Lexicon calling:

Roots:"We are close now. Can you hear the Lexicon calling out?"
Breya:"So we grab it and we get out, right?"
Roots:"Once we have the Lexicon, we'll need to take it to its podium. I know what to do from there. Soon the Lexicon's knowledge will be mine."'
Fathoms:"Ours. Soon the Lexicon's knowledge will be ours."
Roots:"Of course."

Unfathomable DepthsEdit

"I can hear the Lexicon. Come on. Quickly!"

The End of the Road

Walk down the pathway and through the steamy tunnel. A dwarven sphere will attack along the way, and you will encounter a dwarven spider sitting on a set of shelves, shivering. In the next room, you will see Roots, Breya, and Fathoms carefully approaching a door at the end of the room. The obsessed Roots will say:

Roots:"We're almost there. I can hear the Lexicon. Come on. Quickly!"
Breya:"Something doesn't feel right."

The three will then approach the door and Breya will shout, "Wait!" and Roots will cry out, "Aaaaaaaaaaa...." Behind the door, a set of pressure plates will transform the entire room into a deathtrap of nearly unavoidable spinning blades. At the bottom of the slope you will find Watches-The-Roots dead, obviously killed by the blades. You can turn off the trap with the handle near his body, then open the nearby door for the final showdown.

In the last chamber, Breya's body can be found dead near the pedestal, killed by the dwarven centurion lying next to her. Impressively, she appears to have killed one of them before dying herself, no mean feat. Unfortunately, there was one more centurion in the room; it is likely responsible for her death. As soon as you approach the pedestal, it will activate, intent on making you its next kill. After the battle, locate the Lexicon Receptacle in the middle of the room and place the Lexicon on it. Once it is in place, behold the sight of power and memories as it opens. Your reward for following in the footsteps of some unfortunate adventurers is the passive effect Ancient Knowledge.

To leave the ruin, open the western door; there is an unlocked boss chest in the darkness to your left as you approach the elevator, easily missed. Take the elevator up to the first zone, Avanchnzel, and fight a few enemies. Locate the door with the wooden bar to the north and escape out onto the Avanchnzel Balcony, an exterior area that provides a breathtaking view over Skyrim. To the right is a locked Apprentice level chest containing minor loot.

Skyrim:Unfathomable Depths - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) (2024)


What is the reward for unfathomable depths? ›

Upon completion you recieve an active effect called Ancient Knowledge. This gives you a 25% bonus when wearing Dwarven Armor and Blacksmithing increases 15% faster.

What killed Drennen in Skyrim? ›

He was killed shortly after parting ways from the other three, though it is unknown how he was killed. He appears as an orange ghost as one progresses through the ruins, and his body is found a short distance before the area where he last appears.

Should I take the lexicon From-Deepest-Fathoms? ›

From-Deepest-Fathoms is not marked as an essential character so she can be killed if attacked. The Lexicon will still be in her inventory after she dies. Stealing the Lexicon only results in From-Deepest-Fathoms turning around and talking as if the Dragonborn has done her a favor in beginning the quest.

Why can't I find From-Deepest-Fathoms? ›

She is encountered on the docks outside of Riften, distraught and eager to be rid of the Lexicon. She does not appear until the Dragonborn reaches level 14.

How do you get rid of the runed lexicon? ›

PC (Fix) To remove the Lexicon, type " player. removeitem 3A3DD 1 " in the console (or type " player. drop 3A3DD 1 " to drop it). You can also leave it on the receptacle in the quest "Discerning the Transmundane."

What do I get for returning the Lexicon? ›

Once the lexicon cube is returned to its stand, "Elder Knowledge" is received, and grants the active effect "Ancient Knowledge." The perk grants a permanent 25% armor bonus when wearing Dwarven Armor and Smithing increases 15% faster.

Who is unkillable in Skyrim? ›

Mjoll, Serana, Freya, and Derkeethus are all essential and cannot die.

Are there nymphs in Skyrim? ›

A few non-hostile Elytra Nymphs can also be found in Skyrim, namely the Demented Elytra Nymph and the Manic Elytra Nymph. Both can be taken as a pet; it will follow the Last Dragonborn, can be sent to one of their houses, and produces poison every week.

Is Veezara dead? ›

Veezara was introduced to a new member of his Dark Brotherhood family, saw the arrival of Cicero and the Night Mother, and assisted his new family member with their escape after assasinating Vittoria Vici at her wedding, only to later be murdered by the Penitus Oculatus during the massacre of the Falkreath Sanctuary.

Can you stay at Haelga's bunkhouse? ›

A bunkhouse in Riften, for "the working man", which means Haelga won't rent you a room.

What level is Unfathomable Depths in Skyrim? ›

Uncover the memories of the Dwemer.
Quest Giver:From-Deepest-Fathoms
Location(s):Riften docks, Avanchnzel
Reward:Ancient Knowledge
Required Level:14
1 more row
Jan 22, 2024

What happens if you give Septimus the lexicon? ›

If you aren't level 15 yet, giving Septimus the Lexicon will result in him dismissing you; then, you must wait until a courier delivers a letter from him to continue. Once you have returned to the outpost, talk to Septimus again.

Where is Hall of the Dead in Skyrim? ›

The Hall of the Dead is a large building in Markarth where the corpses of the deceased are laid to rest. There are two entrances to Markarth's Hall of the Dead. The first is found near the entrance to the Hag's Cure and the Markarth Ruins. The second is found inside Understone Keep, near Calcelmo.

How far underwater are you at a depth of 10 fathoms? ›

The term "fathom" is a nautical unit of measurement used to determine the depth of water. One fathom is equivalent to six feet or approximately 1.8 meters.

How deep is six fathoms? ›

Deep six refers to to six fathoms, or with a fathom being six feet, 36 feet. The origins of the phrase are obscure at best. It is currently thought that 36 feet was the rule of thumb needed for burial at sea to prevent a body from washing ashore.

What is the reward of Diallos questline? ›

Upon reloading the area, Jar-Bairn will now be standing near Diallos, and will express their desire to become a great warrior like Diallos. Reloading the area one final time will allow you to retrieve Hoslow's Petal Whip, Diallos's Mask, and a Numen's Rune from Diallos' body.

What is the reward of the Shroudbreaker? ›

If you manage to complete the Shroudbreaker Tale, you'll earn the Pirate Lord's Hat, a nifty hat with glowing feather befitting of a renowned captain. Complete the Tale 5 times, and discover all the hidden journals to earn the Magpie's Wing Cannons, cannons from the ship of the Pirate Lord himself!

What is the reward of the Kings Ransom quest? ›

v • d • e RS3 King's Ransom
ItemsScrap paper Address form Black knight helm Holy grail Animate rock scroll Criminal's thread Blue Green Red
RewardsHair clip King's Ransom antique lamp King's Ransom Defence XP lamp King's Ransom Magic XP lamp
LocationsKeep Le Faye Black Knights' Fortress Seers' Village Courthouse
4 more rows

What is the reward of the Forgotten Tower quest? ›

The Forgotten Tower (Diablo II Quest)
The Forgotten Tower
Quest AreaBlack Marsh
GoalKill the Countess
RewardGold and a Couple Runes
Quest ItemsNone
21 more rows


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.