Valley Morning Star from Harlingen, Texas (2024)

B4-Friday, Oct. 19, 1973 VALLEY HARLINGEN, MORRIS TEXAS STAR Local Toastmaster Club Cited At Prize Award CORPUS CHRISTI- Charles Wildsin, area governor of Toastmasters International, called the Harlingen Toastasters Club "one of the finest in the state" during recent meeting in Corpus Christi. Wildsin made his remarks as he awarded two trophies James E. (Jimmy) Clifford of the Harlingen Club, co-winner of the humorous speech contest and the table topics contest, held by the Southern Division of Toastmasters International. Clifford has won six trophies Adolphus Adolphus RICE LONG GRAIN LONG GRAIN RICE 22 awards in Toastmasters of contests.

He was winner in the club, area and division contests in a serious speech contest last fall. He was defeated by Charles W. Stewart of San Antonio, in the District 56 Toasmasters International Contest. Jack Garner of Harlingen, and J. T.

King McAllen, cowinners of club area con'and tests, also competed in Corpus Christi. Harlingen Club President Arnold Vera urged persons interested in public speaking to join the club. Past Area Governor Art Finston said the Harlingen club will provide speakers to non-profit organizations at no cost on request, provided two weeks notice is given and the subject is discussed prior to any requested speaking engagements. The Chinese are given credit for discovering the ice cream recipe that explorer Marco Polo brought back to. Europe, according to the Dairy Council of California.

PINEAPPLE JUICE DEL MONTE 12-oz. Can 10c BISCUITS First Choice 8-oz. Tube MAYONNAISE Kraft Quart 95c THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSING Kraft 8-oz. 37 SALAD OLIVES Tovie. 10-oz.

59c PURE VANILLA McCormick's 45c BABY FOOD Gerber's Strained PINEAPPLE First Choice Crushed 300 Con CORN Del Monte Whole Kernel 303 Con GREEN BEANS First Choice Cut 303 Can VERMICELLI Skinner's Twist Cello 39c CRACKERS Sunshine Krispy Lb. Box 39c MALLO PUFFS Sunshine Pkg. 75c RICE Comet Box 53c PREPARATION 1001. Tube $1.09 COFFEE Folger's Lb. Can $1.05 COFFEE Folger's 2-Lb.

Con $2.05 COFFEE Folger's 3-Lb. Con $3.05 DILL PICKLES Heinz 48-ox. 79c KETCHUP Heinz 69c SLICE DILL PICKLES Heinz Hamburger 16-61. 39c SLICE PICKLES Heinz Sweet Cucumber 16-01. 39c BABY FOOD Heinz Strained High Meat DIME BRAND MILK Borden's Can 39c EAGLE BRAND MILK Borden's 14-01.

Con 45c CREMORA Borden's 95c NONE SUCH MINCE MEAT Borden's 35c NONE SUCH MINCE MEAT Borden's 28-oz. 69c Dole PINEAPPLE Can 29c SAUCE MIX Kraft Chili MARGARINE Kraft Soft Parkay Lb. 49c MARGARINE Kratf Maxi-Cup Parkey Lb. 49c JAR CHEESE Kraft Olive, Pimente JAR CHEESE Kraft Bacon 5-62. 39c HUNGRY JACK BISCUITS Pillsbury.

Tube SCOTT TISSUE Roll 19c VIVA NAPKINS 140 Count 39c CONFIDETS 24's 99c WAFFLES Frosty Acres 5-oz. Pkg. ORANGE DRINK Bright Early 6-oz. Can 15c FREESTONE PEACHES Frosty Acres 10-01. CHEESE PIZZA Frosty Acres 15-01.

75c RINSO DETERGENT Giant Box 75c DRIVE Detergent Giant Box 75c LUX LIQUID Detergent 22-68. 45c IVORY Bar Soap Both Size 11c COMET Cleanser Giant 25c KLEENEX Facial Tissue 200's 35c BENOS FOOD STORE SANTOS GARZA 505 No. 17th St. FOOD STORE McAllen Laredo VAL-U- FAIR GIBSON DISCOUNT San Juan, CENTER Texas 900 E. Hiway Rio Grande City McAllen ALFREDO SANTOS THE VALLEY STORE SUPER MARKET 620 E.

University 1901 Santa Maria Edinburg Laredo RANBOW VALLEY MART STARR VALUMART San Benito Weslaco SUPER Pharr Edinburg Chileans Life-Style Improved By The Coup MW 2 TOP SPEAKER C. F. Wildsin (left), area governor of on is Jack Garner, past president of the Harlingen Toastmasters International, presents James E. (Jimmy) club. As co-winner of the Humorous Speech contest Clifford of the Harlingen Toastmasters Club with two and the table topics contests, Clifford will compete in awards he won in the Southern Division contests of District contests in Rockport Nov.

3. (Star Photo) Toastmasters International in Corpus Christi. Looking Moscow's Churches Are Full, But Worships Are Cautious Editor's Note: The writer was UPI's Vatican reporter in Rome for four years before he was transferred to Moscow three months ago. By BARRY JAMES MOSCOW (UPI) It was 7 a.m. on a Tuesday at the Russian Orthodox Church of the Resurrection, near the Kremlin.

A service was in progress and the church was full. It was the same in a dozen other churches I visited on a recent weekday. Every service was well-attended. A couple of smaller churches were overflowing. After four years covering the Vatican, I wanted to take a look at the church in the city that used to be known as "The Third Rome." I arrived expecting the church here to be just barely alive after 50 years of atheist propaganda.

To my surprise, it seems--on the local level at least-as vital as the church in Rome. I cannot think of any church in Rome that could pack in a congregation every day of the week the way some of the backstreet churches do in Moscow. But it must also be noted that Rome has 500 churches for three million people, while Moscow has 45 working Orthodox churches for seven million. Before the revolution, there were more than 400 functioning churches here. You would have to go to parts of Spain or Latin America to see the degree of outward piety found in Moscow's Orthodox churches, where women not only kneel but prostrate themselves on the floor, where people are openly moved to tears and where parishioners seek a blessing from their priest as eagerly as many Roman Catholics seek one from a cardinal.

I visited one of the village churches that have been surrounded by the concrete apartment blocks and highways of suburban Moscow. This was as crowded as any of the central churches. The congregation, although poor, has taken care of the ikons and other church decorations. And the music provided by a small choir from hand-written sheets was as good as anything I heard in a Roman church. Russians appear to like a show when they go to their candlelit, ikon-filled churches.

Orthodox priests say they would not dare cut any of the elaborate ritual or impressive finery from their services, which hardly ever last less than two hours. The priests dedicate most of their time to providing, richs services and little pastoral work they can. Unlike priests in the West, they are barried by law from teaching and social work. As far as the state is concerned, they are no more than licensed liturgists. The church is strictly controlled by an avowedly atheistic state.

Church leaders support Kremlin foreign policy as a price of survival. One Vatican prelate once told me a "martyrdom of And Nobel prize-winning author Alexander I. Solzhenitsyn has accused the Orthodox leadership of treading too softly. But churchmen privately recall the bitter persecutions of the past and they say the IMPERIAL Pure Cane IMPERIAL Pure Cane SUGAR EXTRA SUGAR FINE granulated QUICK DISSOLVING heroism that Solzhenitsyn is urging on them would cause them to lose the gains they have built up in recent years. Shackled or not on the political level, the church is at least functioning on the parish level.

There are now 80 diocesan bishops, compared with four at the beginning of orld are II. The church's four seminaries are insufficient to accomodate all who would like to enter the priesthood. Some Bibles are being printed and the church is again manufacturing crucifixes and religious medals for private use. Shellfish Is Useful As A Radiation Meter MANILA (UPI) Shellfish found in the Southern Philippines, now being made into lampshades, place mats and other interior decor pieces, may soon be used by 1 scientists as a radiation detector. Government scientists at the Philippine Atomic Research Center (PARC) in Suburban Quezon City found that Capiz shell can be a good dosimetera device to measure doses of rays or of radioactivity.

The Capiz used in PARC comes from shellfish. research, shell of the Capiz is cleaned, after its meat has been eaten or thrown away. It is washed and scrubbed, dried in the sun, polished to the desired sheen and thickness and cut into needed shapes and sizes. The transluscent shells were primarily used as window panes in the Philippines interior before War II. Lately, decorators and designers have found a variety of other usesash trays, candy dishes, coffee tabletops and room dividers.

It is the same shell, only much smaller and thinnerabout one centimeter in diameter and less than a millimeter thick--which scientists may soon be using as a reusable radiation detector. A round piece of shell is inserted in a square plastic badge with an opening in front and slipped on the breast pocket of anyperson entering a pocket of any person entering a potentially radioactive area. PARC personnel now 11se badges of sensitive X-ray film or lithium flouride to measure radiation. These badges can detect radiation ranging from 30 milliroentgen to 10 roentgen. For Stronger Radiation Capiz shell, which consists of calcium carbonate, can stronger radiation, ranging from 100 roentgen to 10,000 Vickie Babco*cks applesauce Raisin Bread cups flour cup firmly packed baking sodas brown sugars Itsp: (top salt baking 1 2 eggs paudor cup oil cinnamon OATS cup applesauce QUICK 12 tsp: nutmeg I cup raisins scup Quick Cats apple Combine sauce dry and stir til well combined.

Stir in raisins ingredients. add eggs, salad oil, and and fill greased loaf pan Bakeat one hour. (note: a cracked top is normal) This recipe is from Vickie Babco*ck of Cedar Rapids, Iowa S.he bakeswith 3 minute Brand Gats "It adds aloto food value forthe money. By CARLOS VIEJO Copley News Service SANTIAGO, Chile The butcher just phoned to ask if we would like to give him our order. Chile is fast returning to normal.

He hadn't called for the last year or so. No point in it. He had only limited wares to offer, and more customers than he could handle. But there is meat available in the shops. And instant coffee, sugar and powdered milk.

Canned foods, frozen vegetables and fish. And, a few days ago, for the first time in recent memory, the grocer had real butter. Actually, life took a turn for the better in Chile when the armed forces intervened d. Sept. 11 to put an end to the Marxist government that had run the country since 1970.

The day before. Monday, Sept. 10, here in Santiago, if you could find a gasoline open, you could get right in line along with some 300 other needy motorists for a few gallons or so. So long were the queues that some people took to parking overnight so that they might be closer to the pump when the station opened in the morning. Tuesday and Wednesday, what with the curfew that was supposed to keep people off the streets while the armed forces and the supporters of the Allende regime skirmished, everything was closed down.

But, by Thursday, Sept. 13, you could drive in and happily say, "Fill 'er Life for those Chileans who prefer to talk or read about their politics has been improving since then. No longer is it necessary to stand in a line for eight hours to buy stamples. The shelves in the corner groceries, in the supermarkets and the smaller self-service stores have been filling up. That is not so much a tribute to the military junta that now runs Chile as it is another indictment of the Marxists who had been in control.

It now appears that the food packers, canning plants and other suppliers had been working, although at less than normal capacity, under Marxist management. All their output was challened to supply points run by partisans of Allende's Popular Unity government. They eliminated the independent distributors simply by not supplying them with goods, and soon distribution too was handled exclusively by Marxists. From the distributors, some food went to party committees in the Marxistdominated suburbs and the rest into gigantic hidden hoards. Once it became evident that the Marxist government had been overthrown, the hoarded goods began to reach the open market, some in a panicstricken desire to make the "evidence" disappear, some of it persuaded by patrols of the armed forces.

Most notable was that all these goods were on sale at official list price, rather than with the 200 per cent markup that the black market charged. Everybody who could afford it has been living on the black market the last couple of years. The Marxist distributors who controlled almost everything, not just foodstuffs, managed to keep a reasonable share for themselves to sell "black." Consider the plight of Enrique, a hardware store owner who had kept going by buying on the black market. Recently he obtained several thousand pressure cookers from a Marxist-controlled factory by accepting an invoice at the list price, and playing an extra 0 escudos per cooker. Now he is faced with the prospect of selling them all at 1,500 escudos apiece.

Another local store had 20,000 dry cells for portable radios for black market sale at 50 escudos. Now they must be sold for 3. The black market dollar also has dropped considerably. In the days before the coup, the dollar was costing 3,200 escudos, while the official rates ranged from 25 to 300. A week after "the intervention," as the military prefers to call it, the "free" dollar had dropped to 1,200 escudos, there were not many takers.

But even those whose speculations and minor peculations may cost them are not too unhappy, After three years of "people's government," they realize that the current strict military rule, though it may be 8 bit amateurish, is at least honest. Home Licensing Approved By Home Executives By ISAGANI YAMBOT (roentgen and can be reused after reprocessing. Dr. Zoilo M. Bartolome, head of the research team which developed Capiz as a dosimeter, said that because of its high range, the shell can detect radiation emergencies and accidents.

He explained that when gamma rays hit the shell, some of the electrons are trapped in its crystalline structure. The easiest way to remove the trapped electrons is to place the shell on a platform and apply electrical heat. When the shell is heated, the trapped electrons leave the materia giving off a light emission which is gathered and amplified by a photomultipliersimilar to a televsion tubeand it can be accurately measured. ATHENS, Tex. (UPI) The Executives of Texas Homes for Children organization have approved a resolution supporting State Department of Welfare's licensing regulations for child care centers.

The organization, composed of 60 church and private institutions, approved the resolution during its annual session. LET US HELP FAIR PRICES 24 YEARS EXPERIENCE AN IMPOSSIBLE COMBINATION TO BEAT You Are Welcome in Our Shop to Watch the Work on Your Car Free Coffee CHECK OUR PRICES FIRST Rankin Transmission AND PARTS SUPPLY 411 W. Highway McAllen 682 45731 401 S. Street Harlingen 423 0754 Celebrate Friday With US! GREAT PIZZA -GREAT BEER--GREAT MUSIC With The Valley's Famous JACK GRAF HE WILL BE PLAYING 8 'TIL 12 P.M. SO COME SING ALONG WITH OUR SING-ALONG SLIDES.


Valley Morning Star from Harlingen, Texas (2024)


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